Orthodox Jewish Bible

Gevurot 10:40-48 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

40. "This one Hashem made to stand up alive again on the Yom HaShelishi and granted to him to be visible,

41. "Not to Klal Yisroel, but to edim which had been chosen beforehand by Hashem, that is, to us who ate and drank together with him at Tish after the Techiyas HaMoshiach.

42. "Moshiach gave mitzvah to us to preach to the people and to bear solemn edut that this one is the one having been appointed by Hashem as Shofet HaChayyim v'HaMesim.

43. "To this one all the Nevi'im bear witness that through ha-Shem of him [Moshiach Yehoshua, Yeshua] everyone who has emunah in him has selicha (forgiveness) of chatta''im (averos, sins).

44. While Kefa was still speaking these words, the Ruach Hakodesh fell upon all the ones hearing the dvar.

45. And the Messianic Jews who had come with Kefa were mishpoyel (standing in awe) that also upon the Goyim the matnat HaRuach Hakodesh has been poured out.

46. For they were hearing them speaking in leshonot and exalting Hashem. Then Kefa answered,

47. "Surely no one can refuse the mikveh mayim for these to be given Moshiach's tevilah of teshuva who have received the Ruach Hakodesh just as we did, can he?" [Ac 2:4; cf Lk 3:16; Ac 11:16]

48. And Kefa directed for them to be given Moshiach's tevilah of teshuva in the Shem of Moshiach Yehoshua (Yeshua). Then they asked him to remain some yamim.