Orthodox Jewish Bible

Gevurot 10:13-21 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

13. And there came a bat kol (voice) to him, "Get up, Kefa, kill and eat!"

14. But Kefa said, "Chalilah li, Adonoi! For I have never eaten basar piggul (unclean meat) or shikkutz tameh (abominable unclean thing)." [VAYIKRA 11:4-20; 20-25; DEVARIM 14:3-20; YECHEZKEL 4:14]

15. And the bat kol came to Kefa again for a second time, "What Hashem made tahor (clean), you should no longer regard as tameh (unclean)." [BERESHIS 9:3]

16. And this happened shloshah pe'amim; and immediately the object was taken up into Shomayim.

17. Now, while Kefa was greatly perplexed within himself as to what the chazon which he saw might be, hinei, the anashim, who had been sent by Cornelius, and who had, by inquiring, found the bais of Shimon, stood at the gate.

18. And, calling out, they were asking if Shimon, the one called Kefa, is staying here.

19. And while Kefa was reflecting on the chazon, the Ruach Hakodesh said to him, "Hinei, shloshah anashim are looking for you.

20. "But get up and go downstairs and accompany them without apprehensions, for I myself have sent them."

21. And Kefa went downstairs to the anashim and said, "Hinei, I am the one whom you are seeking; for what reason did you come?"