Orthodox Jewish Bible

Gevurot 1:18-26 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

18. (Now this man, therefore, acquired a sadeh out of the sachar [reward] of his peysha and, having fallen headlong, he plotst [burst] open in the middle and all the inward parts of him were poured out.

19. And this became known to all the ones inhabiting Yerushalayim, so that the sadeh [field] became known in their language as 'Akeldama' --that is 'Sadeh of Dahm.')

20. "For it has been written in the Sefer Tehillim, "TEHI the place of him NESHAMMAH (one being deserted)... V'AL YEHI YOSHEV" ("May his place be deserted and let him not be the one dwelling in it": TEHILLIM 69:26) and "PEKUDATO YIKACH ACHER" ("his place of leadership may another take". TEHILLIM 109:8)

21. "It is necessary, therefore, that one of the anashim who accompanied us during all the time in which Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua went in and went out among us,

22. "Beginning from the tevilah of teshuva of Yochanan until the day when Moshiach was taken up from us--one of these should become Eidus (Witness) with us to the Techiyas HaMoshiach."

23. And they put forward two anashim, Yosef Bar-Sabba, also called Justus, and Mattityahu.

24. And having davened, they said, "Adonoi, you have da'as of the levavot of Kol B'nei Adam. Therefore, show which of these two is your bechirah [1Sm 14:41]

25. "To take the place of this avodas kodesh ministry and Shlichus from which Yehudah turned aside to go to his own place."

26. And they drew lots, and the lot fell to Mattityahu, and he was numbered with the Achad Asar of Moshiach's Shlichim. [T.N. Lukas wrote this work around 63 C.E., near the time of his awaiting the first hearing of Rav Sha'ul before Nero in Rome.]