Orthodox Jewish Bible

Ezra 2:17-29 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

17. The Bnei Betzai, 323.

18. The Bnei Yorah, 112.

19. The Bnei Chashum, 223.

20. The Bnei Gibbar, 95.

21. The Bnei Beit-Lechem, 123.

22. The men of Netophah, 56.

23. The men of Anatot, 128.

24. The Bnei Azmavet, 42.

25. The Bnei Kiryat-Arim, Kephirah, and Be'erot, 743.

26. The Bnei Ramah and Geva, 621.

27. The men of Michmas, 122.

28. The men of Beit-El and Ai, 223.

29. The Bnei Nevo, 52.