Orthodox Jewish Bible

Ezra 10:29-38 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

29. And of the Bnei Bani; Meshullam, Malluch, and Adayah, Yashuv, Sheal, and Ramot;

30. And of the Bnei Pachat-Moav; Adna, Kelal, Benayah, Ma'aseiyah, Mattanyah, Betzalel, Binnui, and Menasheh;

31. And of the Bnei Charim; Eliezer; Yishiyah, Malkiyah, Shemayah, Shim'on,

32. Benyamin, Malluch, and Shemaryah;

33. Of the Bnei of Chashum; Matnai, Mattattah, Zavad, Eliphelet, Yeremai, Manasheh, and Shimei;

34. Of the Bnei Bani; Ma'adai, Amram, U'el,

35. Benayah, Bedyah, Keluhi,

36. Vanyah, Meremot, Elyashiv,

37. Mattanyah, Mattnai, Ya'asai,

38. Bani, Binnui, Shimei,