Orthodox Jewish Bible

Esther 6:1-4 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. On that night HaMelech's sleep fled away, and he commanded to bring the sefer of records of the chronicles; and they were read before HaMelech.

2. And it was found written, that Mordechai had told of Bigtan and Teresh, two of the sarisim of HaMelech, the Mishomrei HaSaf (Keepers of the Door, the Doorkeepers) who conspired to assassinate HaMelech Achashverosh.

3. And HaMelech said, What yekar (honor [see 1:4,20]) and what recognition hath been done to Mordechai for this? Then said the servants of HaMelech that ministered unto him, Nothing has been done for him.

4. And HaMelech said, Who is in the khatzer (court)? Now Haman was come into the Khatzer HaKhitzonah (Outer Court) of the Beis HaMelech, to speak unto HaMelech lit'lot (to hang; see Esth 2:23) Mordechai on HaEtz that he had erected for him. [T.N. See Moshiach Ben Dovid hanging on a tree 2Sm 18:10 as well as the specter of the same fate for this descendant of the first royal family of Israel].