Orthodox Jewish Bible

Esther 2:16-23 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

16. So Ester was taken unto HaMelech Achashverosh into his Bais Malkhut (royal residence) in the chodesh ha'asiri (tenth month), which is the month Tevet, in the shnat sheva (seventh year) of his reign.

17. And HaMelech loved Ester mikol hanashim (more than all the women), and she took up chen vachesed (favor and grace) in his sight more than kol habetulot (all the virgins), so that he set the keter malkhut (royal crown) upon her head, and made her Malkah instead of Vashti.

18. Then HaMelech gave a mishteh gadol (great feast) unto all his sarim (nobles) and his avadim (servants, officials), even Mishteh Ester; and he decreed a holiday throughout the provinces and distributed gifts according to the [bountiful] yad HaMelech.

19. And when the betulot (virgins) were gathered together again, then Mordechai yoshev b'Sha'ar HaMelech (sat in the King's Gate).

20. Ester had not yet revealed her moledet (kindred) nor her Am (people, i.e., the Jewish people) as Mordechai had charged her; for Ester did the commandment of Mordechai, like as when she was brought up with him.

21. In those yamim, while Mordechai yoshev b'Sha'ar HaMelech, two of the Sarisim of HaMelech, Bigtan and Teresh, of the Mishomrei HaSaf (Keepers of the Door, Doorkeepers), were angry, and conspired to assassinate HaMelech Achashverosh.

22. And Mordechai came to da'as of the plot, and told it unto Ester HaMalkah; and Ester informed HaMelech thereof b'shem Mordechai.

23. And when inquiry was made of the matter, it was found true; therefore the two of them were made talui al etz (hanged on a tree), and it was written in the sefer of the divrei hayamim before HaMelech.