Orthodox Jewish Bible

Ekhah 5:11-22 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

11. They ravished the nashim in Tziyon, and the betulot in the towns of Yehudah.

12. Sarim (princes) are hanged by their yad; the faces of Zekenim were not respected.

13. They took the bochurim to grind, and the ne'arim staggered under the wood.

14. The zekenim have ceased from the sha'ar, the bochurim from their music.

15. The joy of our heart is gone; mekholeinu (our dance) is turned into mourning.

16. The ateret is fallen from our head; woe unto us, for we have sinned!

17. For this our lev is faint; because of these things our eyes are dim.

18. Because of the Har Tziyon, which is desolate, the jackals prowl upon it.

19. Thou, Hashem, remainest forever;Thy throne from generation to generation.

20. Why dost Thou forget us forever, and forsake us for so long?

21. Restore us, Hashem, to Thyself that we may return; renew yamenu (our days) as of old.

22. Unless Thou hast utterly rejected us and Thou art angry with us beyond measure.