Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Bais 7:7-16 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

7. Moreover Sh'lomo set apart as kodesh the toch hekhatzer (center of the courtyard) that was in front of the Beis Hashem; for there he offered HaOlot and the chelvei hashelamim (fat of peace offerings), because the Mizbe'ach hanechoshet which Sh'lomo had made was not able to receive the Olot, and the Mincha, and HaChalavim (the fats).

8. Also at the same time Sh'lomo kept the Chag (see v. 9) shivat yamim, and kol Yisroel with him, a Kahal Gadol Me'od, from the Levo (Approach) Chamat unto the Wadi Mitzrayim.

9. And on the Yom HaShemini they held an Atzeret (solemn assembly); for they kept the chanukat HaMizbe'ach (dedication of the altar, i.e., the Beis Hamikdash) shivat yamim, and the chag [Sukkot] shivat yamim.

10. And on the three and twentieth day of the seventh month he sent HaAm away into their ohalim joyful and tovei lev for the goodness that Hashem had showed unto Dovid, and to Sh'lomo, and to Yisroel His Am.

11. Thus Sh'lomo finished the Beis Hashem, and the Beis HaMelech; and all that came into the lev Sh'lomo to do in the Beis Hashem, and in his own palace, he prosperously effected.

12. And Hashem appeared to Sh'lomo balailah, and said unto him, I have heard thy tefillah, and have chosen this makom for Myself for a Beis Zevach.

13. When I shut up Shomayim that there be no matar, or when I command the locusts to devour HaAretz, or when I send dever among Ami (My People)

14. If Ami, which are called by Shmi, shall humble themselves, and daven, and seek my face, and turn from their derakhim hara'im (wicked ways), then will I hear from Shomayim, and will forgive their chattat, and will heal their land.

15. Now Mine eyes shall be open, and Mine ears attentive unto the tefillah that is made in Makom HaZeh.

16. For now have I chosen and set apart as kodesh HaBeis HaZeh, that Shmi may be there ad olam, and Mine eyes and Mine lev shall be there kol hayamim.