Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Bais 7:1-7 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Now when Sh'lomo had made an end of davening, the eish came down from Shomayim, and consumed the olah and the zevakhim; and the kavod Hashem filled HaBeis.

2. And the Kohanim could not enter into the Beis Hashem, because the kavod Hashem had filled the Beis Hashem.

3. And when all the Bnei Yisroel saw how the eish came down, and the kavod Hashem upon HaBeis, they bowed themselves with their faces to the ground upon the ritzpah (floor, pavement) and worshiped, and gave thanks to Hashem, saying, Ki tov ki l'olam chasdo (For He is good; for His mercy endureth forever).

4. Then HaMelech and kol HaAm offered zevach before Hashem.

5. And HaMelech Sh'lomo offered zevach of 22,000 bakar, and 120,000 tzon; so HaMelech and kol HaAm dedicated the Beis HaElohim.

6. And the Kohanim stood at their mishmerot (watches); the Levi'im also with kelei shir Hashem, (musical instruments of Hashem) which Dovid HaMelech had made to give thanks to Hashem-- ki l'oham chasdo (for His mercy endureth forever)-- whenever Dovid praised by their means; and the Kohanim sounded khatzotzrot (trumpets) opposite them, and kol Yisroel stood.

7. Moreover Sh'lomo set apart as kodesh the toch hekhatzer (center of the courtyard) that was in front of the Beis Hashem; for there he offered HaOlot and the chelvei hashelamim (fat of peace offerings), because the Mizbe'ach hanechoshet which Sh'lomo had made was not able to receive the Olot, and the Mincha, and HaChalavim (the fats).