Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Bais 32:13-20 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

13. Know ye not what I and avotai have done unto all the people of other lands? Were the elohei goyei ha'aratzot able to deliver their land out of mine yad?

14. Who was there among kol elohei haGoyim that avotai utterly destroyed, that could save his people out of mine yad, that Eloheichem should be able to save you out of mine yad?

15. Now therefore let not Chizkiyahu deceive you, nor mislead you on this manner, neither yet believe him, for no g-d of any goy or mamlachah was able to deliver his people out of mine yad, and out of the yad of avotai. How much less shall Eloheichem deliver you out of mine yad?

16. And his avadim spoke yet more against Hashem HaElohim, and against His eved Chizkiyahu.

17. He wrote also sefarim to blaspheme Hashem Elohei Yisroel, and to speak against Him, saying, As the elohei goyei ha'aratzot have not saved their people out of mine yad, so shall not the Elohei Chizkiyahu save his people out of mine yad.

18. Then they cried with a kol gadol in the language of the Yehudim unto the Am Yerushalayim that were on the chomah, to frighten them, and to terrorize them, that they might capture the Ir.

19. And they spoke against the Elohei Yerushalayim, as against the g-ds of the peoples of the land, which were the work of the hands of ha'adam.

20. And for this cause Chizkiyahu HaMelech, and Yeshayah ben Amoz, HaNavi, davened and cried out to Shomayim.