Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Bais 3:5-9 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

5. And the Bais HaGadol he paneled with cypress, which he overlaid with zahav tov, and carved thereon timorim (palm trees) and sharsherot (chainwork).

6. And he decorated the Bais with precious stones for tiferet (beauty), and the zahav was zahav from Parvayim.

7. He overlaid also the Bais, the ceiling beams, the thresholds, and the walls thereof, and the daletot (doors) thereof, with zahav; and carved keruvim on the walls.

8. And he made the Bais Kodesh HaKadashim, the length whereof was according to the width of the bais, twenty cubits long, and the width thereof twenty cubits, and he overlaid it with zahav tov of six hundred talents.

9. And the weight of the masmerot (nails) was fifty shekels of zahav. And he overlaid the upper rooms with zahav.