Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Bais 29:28-36 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

28. And Kol HaKahal worshiped, and the Shir was being sung, and sounded, and all this continued until the olah was completed.

29. And when it had made an end of being offered up, HaMelech and all that were present with him bowed themselves, and worshiped.

30. Moreover Chizkiyah HaMelech and the sarim commanded the Levi'im to praise Hashem with the words of Dovid, and of Asaph the Chozeh (seer). And they sang praises with simchah, and they bowed their heads and worshiped.

31. Then Chizkiyah answered and said, Now ye have consecrated yourselves unto Hashem, come near and bring zevakhim and todot into the Beis Hashem. And the Kahal brought in zevakhim and todot; and, as many as were of a willing heart, olot (burnt offerings).

32. And the number of the olah, which the Kahal brought, was threescore and ten bulls, a hundred rams, and two hundred lambs; all these were for an olah (burnt offering) to Hashem.

33. And the kadashim were six hundred bulls and three thousand sheep.

34. But the Kohanim were too few, so that they could not skin all the olot; therefore their achim the Levi'im did help them, until the work was completed, and until the other Kohanim had set them apart as kodesh for the Levi'im were more yashar in lev to set themselves apart as kodesh than the Kohanim.

35. And also the olah were in abundance, with the fat of the shelamim, and the nesakhim for every olah. So the Avodas Beis Hashem was set in order.

36. And Chizkiyah rejoiced, and kol HaAm, that HaElohim had prepared the people, for the matter was done suddenly.