Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Bais 2:8-17 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

8. (2:7) Send me also cedar, pine, and algum logs, from the Levanon, for I know that thy avadim have skill to cut timber in the Levanon; and, hinei, my avadim shall be with thy avadim,

9. (2:8) Even to provide me lumber in abundance, for the Bais which I am about to build shall be gadol v'hafeleh (great and magnificent).

10. (2:9) And, hinei, I will give to thy avadim, the woodsmen that cut timber, twenty thousand measures of beaten chittim, and twenty thousand measures of se'orim, and twenty thousand baths of yayin, and twenty thousand baths of shemen (olive oil).

11. (2:10) Then Churam Melech Tzor answered by letter, which he sent to Sh'lomo, Because Hashem hath loved His people, He hath made thee Melech over them.

12. (2:11) Churam said moreover, Baruch Hashem Elohei Yisroel, that made Shomayim v'et HaAretz, Who hath given to Dovid HaMelech a ben chacham (wise son), endued with seichel and binah, that might build a Bais for Hashem, and a Bais (palace) for his kingdom.

13. (2:12) And now I have sent an ish chacham, endued with binah, namely my master craftsman Churam-Avi,

14. (2:13) ben isha of the Banot Dan, and his av was an ish Tzor, trained to work in zahav, and in kesef, in nechoshet, in barzel, in avanim (stone), and in etzim (wood), in purple, in blue wool, and in fine linen, and in crimson; also to engrave every kind of engraving, and to execute every design which shall be put to him, with thy chachamim, and with the chachmei adoni Dovid Avicha.

15. (2:14) Now therefore the chittim, and the se'orim, the shemen, and the yayin, which adoni hath spoken of, let him send unto his avadim,

16. (2:15) And we will cut etzim out of the Levanon, as much as thou shalt need; and we will float it to thee in rafts by yam to Yafo, and thou shalt carry it up to Yerushalayim.

17. (2:16) And Sh'lomo took a census of all the gerim that were in Eretz Yisroel, after the census wherewith Dovid Aviv had numbered them; and they were found a hundred and fifty thousand and three thousand and six hundred.