Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Bais 18:20-28 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

20. Then there came out a ruach, and stood before Hashem, and said, I will entice him. And Hashem said unto him, How?

21. And he said, I will go out, and be a ruach sheker (lying spirit) in the mouth of all his nevi'im. And Hashem said, Thou shalt entice him, and thou shalt also succeed; go out, and do even so.

22. Now therefore, hinei, Hashem hath put a ruach sheker in the mouth of these thy nevi'im, and Hashem hath decreed ra'ah against thee.

23. Then Tzidkiyahu ben Kena'anah came near, and struck Mikhay'hu upon the lechi (cheek), and said, Which way went the Ruach Hashem from me to speak unto thee?

24. And Mikhay'hu said, Thou shalt find out on that yom when thou shalt go into cheder b'cheder (inner chamber) to hide thyself.

25. Then the Melech Yisroel said, Take ye Mikhay'hu, and carry him back to Amon Sar HaIr, and to Yoash ben HaMelech,

26. And say, Thus saith HaMelech, Put this in the bais hakeleh, and feed him with only a scanty prison diet of lechem and only mayim, until I return b'shalom.

27. And Mikhay'hu said, If thou certainly return in shalom, then hath not Hashem spoken by me. And he said, Mark words, all ye people.

28. So the Melech Yisroel and Yehoshaphat Melech Yehudah went up to Ramot Gil'ad.