Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Alef 9:17-28 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

17. And the sho'arim were Shallum, Akkuv, Talmon, Achiman, and their brethren; Shallum was HaRosh,

18. Who up to now had been stationed at Sha'ar HaMelech eastward; they were sho'arim in the machanot Bnei Levi.

19. And Shallum Ben Kore Ben Evyasaph Ben Korach and his brethren of the bais aviv, the Korechim, were over the work of the avodah, shomrei hasapim laOhel (keepers of the thresholds of the Tent [of Meeting]); and avoteihem, being over the Machaneh Hashem, were shomrim of the entrance.

20. And Pinchas Ben Eleazar was nagid over them in time past, and Hashem was with him.

21. And Zecharyah Ben Meshelemyah was sho'er (doorkeeper, gatekeeper) of the Petach of the Ohel Mo'ed.

22. All these which were haberurim (the ones being chosen) to be sho'arim (gatekeepers) in the sapim (thresholds) were 212. These were reckoned by their genealogy in their villages, whom Dovid and Shmuel the Ro'eh (seer) did assign in their emunah (set office, entrusted responsibility).

23. So they and their banim had the oversight of the she'arim (gates) of the Beis Hashem, namely, the Beis HaOhel, by mishmarot (shifts, watches).

24. In four quarters were the sho'arim, toward the east, west, north, and south.

25. And their brethren, which were in their villages, were to come after shivat hayamim from time to time with them.

26. For these Levi'im, the four gibborei hasho'arim, were in their emunah (set office, entrusted responsibility), and were over the rooms and otzarot (treasuries) of the Bais HaElohim.

27. And they spent the night around the Bais HaElohim, because the mishmeret was upon them; they were responsible for the mafte'ach (key) thereof laboker laboker.

28. And certain of them had the charge of the kelim (vessels) of the avodah (service, ministry), that they should bring them in and out by inventory count.