Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Alef 9:10-18 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

10. And of the kohanim; Yedayah, and Yehoyariv, and Yachin,

11. And Azaryah Ben Chilkiyah Ben Meshullam Ben Tzadok Ben Merayot Ben Achituv, the nagid of the Bais HaElohim;

12. And Adayah Ben Yerocham Ben Pashchur Ben Malkiyah, and Ma'asai Ben Adiel Ben Yachzerah, Ben Meshullam Ben Meshilmit Ben Immer;

13. And their brethren, heads of their bais avot, 1,760; gibborei chayil for the work of the avodas Bais HaElohim.

14. And of the Levi'im: Shema'yah Ben Chashshuv Ben Azrikam Ben Chashavyah of the Bnei Merari;

15. And Bakbakkar, Cheresh, Galal, and Matanyah Ben Michah Ben Zichri Ben Asaph;

16. And Ovadyah Ben Shema'yah Ben Galal Ben Yedutun, and Berechyah Ben Asa Ben Elkanah, that dwelt in the villages of the Netophati.

17. And the sho'arim were Shallum, Akkuv, Talmon, Achiman, and their brethren; Shallum was HaRosh,

18. Who up to now had been stationed at Sha'ar HaMelech eastward; they were sho'arim in the machanot Bnei Levi.