Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Alef 8:13-24 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

13. Beriah also, and Shema, who were rashei avot of the inhabitants of Ayalon, who drove away the inhabitants of Gat;

14. And Achyo, Shashak, and Yeremot,

15. Zevadyah, Arad, Eder,

16. Micha'el, Yishpah, and Yocha, the Bnei Beri'ah;

17. And Zevadyah, and Meshullam, and Chizki, and Chever,

18. Yishmerai also, and Yizli'ah, and Yovav, the Bnei Elpa'al;

19. Yakim, Zichri, Zavdi,

20. Elienai, Tziltai, Eli'el,

21. Adayah, Berayah, and Shimrat, the Bnei Shimei;

22. Yishpan, Ever, Eli'el,

23. Avdon, Zichri, Chanan,

24. Chananyah, Eilam, and Antotyah,