Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Alef 8:10-29 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

10. And Yeutz, Sochya, Mirmah. These were his banim, rashei avot.

11. And of Chushim he fathered Avituv, and Elpa'al.

12. The Bnei Elpaal: Ever, Misham, Shemed, who built Ono, and Lod, with the villages thereof;

13. Beriah also, and Shema, who were rashei avot of the inhabitants of Ayalon, who drove away the inhabitants of Gat;

14. And Achyo, Shashak, and Yeremot,

15. Zevadyah, Arad, Eder,

16. Micha'el, Yishpah, and Yocha, the Bnei Beri'ah;

17. And Zevadyah, and Meshullam, and Chizki, and Chever,

18. Yishmerai also, and Yizli'ah, and Yovav, the Bnei Elpa'al;

19. Yakim, Zichri, Zavdi,

20. Elienai, Tziltai, Eli'el,

21. Adayah, Berayah, and Shimrat, the Bnei Shimei;

22. Yishpan, Ever, Eli'el,

23. Avdon, Zichri, Chanan,

24. Chananyah, Eilam, and Antotyah,

25. Yiphdeyah, and Penuel, the Bnei Shashak;

26. And Shamsherai, and Shecharyah, and Atalyah,

27. And Ya'areshyah, and Eliyah, and Zichri, the Bnei Yerocham.

28. These were rashei avot, by their toldot, leaders. These dwelt in Yerushalayim.

29. And at Giveon dwelt avi Giveon, shem of his isha: Ma'achah;