Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Alef 7:12-18 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

12. Shuppim also, and Chuppim, the Bnei Ir, and Chushim, the Bnei Acher.

13. The Bnei Naphtali: Yachtziel, and Guni, and Yetzer, and Shallum, the Bnei Bilhah.

14. The Bnei Menasheh: Ashriel, whom his Aramean pilegesh bore; she bore Machir avi Gil'ad;

15. And Machir took an isha from the Chuppim and Shuppim, whose achot's shem was Ma'achah; and the shem of the second was Tzelophechad, and Tzelophechad had banot.

16. And Ma'achah eshet Machir bore ben, and she called shmo Peresh; and the shem of his brother was Sheresh; and his banim were Ulam and Rakem.

17. And the Bnei Ulam: Bedan. These were the Bnei Gil'ad Ben Machir Ben Menasheh.

18. And his achot Hammolekhet bore Ishhod, and Aviezer, and Machlah.