Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Alef 7:11-24 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

11. All these the Bnei Yedia'el, by the heads of families, gibborei chayalim, were seventeen elef and two hundred soldiers, fit to go forth for milchamah.

12. Shuppim also, and Chuppim, the Bnei Ir, and Chushim, the Bnei Acher.

13. The Bnei Naphtali: Yachtziel, and Guni, and Yetzer, and Shallum, the Bnei Bilhah.

14. The Bnei Menasheh: Ashriel, whom his Aramean pilegesh bore; she bore Machir avi Gil'ad;

15. And Machir took an isha from the Chuppim and Shuppim, whose achot's shem was Ma'achah; and the shem of the second was Tzelophechad, and Tzelophechad had banot.

16. And Ma'achah eshet Machir bore ben, and she called shmo Peresh; and the shem of his brother was Sheresh; and his banim were Ulam and Rakem.

17. And the Bnei Ulam: Bedan. These were the Bnei Gil'ad Ben Machir Ben Menasheh.

18. And his achot Hammolekhet bore Ishhod, and Aviezer, and Machlah.

19. And the Bnei Shemidah were Achyan, and Shechem, and Likchi, and Ani'am.

20. And the Bnei Ephrayim: Shutalach, and Bered bno, and Tachat bno, and Eladah bno, and Tachat bno,

21. And Zavad bno, and Shutalach bno, and Ezer, and Elead, whom the anashim of Gat that were born in that land slaughtered, because they came down to take away their mikneh (livestock).

22. And Ephrayim avihem mourned many days, and his achim came to comfort him.

23. And when he went in to his isha, she conceived, and bore ben, and he called shmo Beri'ah, because it went in ra'ah (evil, disaster, misfortune) with his bais.

24. (And his bat was She'erah, who built Lower Beit-Choron, and the Upper, and Uzzen She'erah.)