Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Alef 6:1-18 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. The Bnei Levi: Gershon, Kehat, and Merari.

2. [28] And the Bnei Kehat: Amram, Yitzhar, and Chevron, and Uzziel.

3. [29] And the Bnei Amram: Aharon, and Moshe, and Miryam. The bnei Aharon; Nadav, and Avihu, Eleazar, and Itamar.

4. [30] Eleazar fathered Pinchas, Pinchas fathered Avishua,

5. [31] And Avishua fathered Bukki, and Bukki fathered Uzzi,

6. [32] And Uzzi fathered Zerachyah, and Zerachyah fathered Merayot,

7. [33] Merayot fathered Amaryah, and Amaryah fathered Achituv,

8. [34] And Achituv fathered Tzadok, and Tzadok fathered Achima'atz,

9. [35] And Achima'atz fathered Azaryah, and Azaryah fathered Yochanan,

10. [36] And Yochanan fathered Azaryah (he it is that executed the kohen's office in the Beis [Hamikdash] that Sh'lomo built in Yerushalayim),

11. [37] And Azaryah fathered Amaryah, and Amaryah fathered Achituv,

12. [38] And Achituv fathered Tzadok, and Tzadok fathered Shallum,

13. [39] And Shallum fathered Chilkiyah, and Chilkiyah fathered Azaryah,

14. [40] And Azaryah fathered Serayah, and Serayah fathered Yehotzadak,

15. [41] And Yehotzadak went into the Golus, when Hashem carried away Yehudah and Yerushalayim by the yad of Nevuchadnetzar.

16. [6:1] The Bnei Levi: Gershom, Kehat, and Merari.

17. [6:2] And these are the shmot of the Bnei Gershom: Livni and Shimei.

18. [6:3] And the Bnei Kehat were Amram, and Yitzhar, and Chevron, and Uzziel.