Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Alef 4:1-9 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. The Bnei Yehudah; Peretz, Chetzron, and Carmi, and Chur, and Shoval.

2. And Reayah Ben Shoval fathered Yachat; and Yachat fathered Achumai, and Lahad. These are the mishpekhot of the Tzorati.

3. And these were the sons of Etam; Yizre'el (Jezreel), Yishma, Yidbash; and the shem of their achot (sister) was Hatzlelponi;

4. And Penuel avi Gedor, and Ezer avi Chushah. These are the Bnei Chur, the bechor of Ephratah avi Beit- Lechem.

5. And Ashchur avi Tekoa had two nashim (wives), Chelah and Na'arah.

6. And Na'arah bore him Achuzam, Chepher, Temeni, Achashtari, the Bnei Na'arah.

7. And the Bnei Chelah were Tzeret, and Yetzochar, and Etnan.

8. And Kotz fathered Anuv, and Tzovevah, and the mishpekhot of Acharchel Ben Harum.

9. And Yabetz was more honorable than his brethren; and immo (his mother) called shmo Yabetz, saying, Because I bore him beotzev (with sorrow).