Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Alef 29:17-30 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

17. I know also, Elohai, that Thou doth test the levav, and hast pleasure in meisharim (integrities, uprightness, equity). As for me, in the yosher levavi I have made freewill offerings of all these things, and now have I seen with simchah Thy people, which are present here, willingly offer freewill offerings unto Thee.

18. Hashem Elohei Avraham, Yitzchak, and of Yisroel, Avoteinu, be shomer over this l'olam in the yetzer (inclination) of the machshevot (thoughts) of the levav of Thy people, and set their lev unto Thee.

19. And give unto Sh'lomo beni a levav shalem, to be shomer over Thy mitzvot, Thy edot, and Thy chukkot, and to do all these things, and to build the Bayit, for the which I have made provision.

20. And Dovid said to kol HaKahal, Barchu nah es Hashem Eloheichem. And kol HaKahal blessed Hashem Elohei Avoteihem, and bowed down, and fell prostrate before Hashem and before HaMelech.

21. And they sacrificed zevakhim unto Hashem, and offered olot unto Hashem, on the next day after that yom, even a thousand parim (bulls), a thousand eilim (rams), and a thousand kevasim, with their nesakim, and zevakhim in abundance for kol Yisroel;

22. And did eat and drink before Hashem on that day with simchah gedolah. And they crowned Sh'lomo Ben Dovid Melech the second time, and anointed him unto Hashem to be Nagid (ruler), and Tzadok to be Kohen.

23. Then Sh'lomo sat on the kisse Hashem as Melech instead of Dovid Aviv, and prospered, and kol Yisroel obeyed him.

24. And all the sarim, and the gibborim, and all the Bnei HaMelech Dovid submitted themselves unto Sh'lomo HaMelech.

25. And Hashem magnified Sh'lomo exceedingly in the eyes of all Yisroel, and bestowed upon him such hod malchut (royal majesty) as had not been on any melech before him in Yisroel.

26. Thus Dovid Ben Yishai reigned over kol Yisroel.

27. And the time that he reigned over Yisroel was arba'im shanah; sheva shanim reigned he in Chevron, and thirty and three reigned he in Yerushalayim.

28. And he died in a good old age, full of yamim, oisher, and kavod; and Sh'lomo bno reigned in his place.

29. Now the acts of Dovid HaMelech, first and last, behold, they are written in the Divrei Shmuel HaRo'eh, and in the Divrei Natan HaNavi, and in the Divrei Gad the chozeh (seer),

30. With all his malchut and his gevurah, and the times that passed around him, and around Yisroel, and over kol mamlechot ha'aratzot (kingdoms of the lands).