Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Alef 28:14-21 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

14. He gave zahav by weight for things of zahav, for all kelei Avodah of every kind of avodah (service); for all kelei hakesef by weight, for all kelei avodah va'avodah (vessels for every kind of service),

15. Even the weight for the menorot hazahav, and for their nerot (lamps) of zahav was according to the weight for every menorah, and for the nerot (lamps) thereof; and for the menorat hakesef by weight, both for the menorah, and also for the nerot (lamps) thereof, according to the use of every menorah.

16. And by weight he gave zahav for the Shulchanot HaMa'arechet (the tables of the spreading out [showbread]) for each shulchan; and likewise kesef for the shulchanot hakesef (silver tables);

17. Also pure zahav for the mizlagot (forks), and the mizrakot (blood bowls), and shelves; kesot zahav tahor and the kipor hazahav (golden basin) for every kipor (basin); and likewise kesef by weight for every kipor hakesef (silver basin);

18. And for the Mizbe'ach HaKetoret refined zahav by weight; and zahav for the tavnit of the Merkavah, the Keruvim Zahav, that spread out their wings, and covered the Aron Brit Hashem.

19. All this, said Dovid, is in writing by the Yad Hashem on me, giving me seichel to understand all the works of this tavnit (plan, pattern).

20. And Dovid said to Sh'lomo bno, Chazak! Ve'emetz! (Be strong and take courage!) And do it; fear not, nor be discouraged; for Hashem Elohim, even Elohai, will be with thee; He will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou hast finished all the work for the Avodas Bais Hashem.

21. And, hinei, the divisions of the Kohanim and the Levi'im, even they shall be with thee for all the Avodas Bais HaElohim and there shall be with thee for all manner of workmanship every willing man, bringing their chochmah for kol Avodah; also the Sarim and kol HaAm will be wholly at thy commandment.