Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Alef 27:26-34 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

26. And over them that did the work of the sadeh to till the adamah was Ezri Ben Keluv;

27. And over the kramim was Shimei the Ramati; over the increase of the kramim for the wine vats was Zavdi the Shiphmi;

28. And over the zeitim and the sycomore trees that were in the Shefelah was Ba'al Chanan the Gederi; over the shemen storehouses, Yoash;

29. And over the bakar (herd) that fed in Sharon was Shirtai the Sharoni; over the bakar that were in the valleys was Shaphat Ben Adlai;

30. Over the gemalim (camels) also was Ovil the Yishmaeli; and over the donkeys was Yechdeyahu the Meronoti;

31. And over the tzon (flock) was Yaziz the Hageri. All these were the sarim of the property which pertained to Melech Dovid.

32. Also Yonatan Dovid's dod (uncle) was a yoetz (counsellor), an ish meivin, and a sofer; and Yechiel Ben Chachmoni was with the Bnei HaMelech;

33. And Achitophel was the yoetz l'Melech; and Chushai the Arki was the re'a HaMelech;

34. And after Achitophel was Yehoyada Ben Benayahu, and Evyatar (Abiathar); and the sar tzava (commander of the army) of HaMelech was Yoav.