Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Alef 26:3-9 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

3. Eilam the fifth, Yehochanan the sixth, Elyehoei'nai the seventh.

4. Moreover the banim of Oved Edom were Shema'yah the bechor, Yehozavad the second, Yoach the third, and Sachar the fourth, and Netan'el the fifth,

5. Ammi'el the sixth, Yissakhar the seventh, Peultai the eighth; for Elohim blessed him.

6. Also unto Shema'yah bno were banim born, that ruled throughout the bais avihem, for they were gibborei chayil.

7. The Bnei Shema'yah: Otni, and Repha'el, and Oved, Elzavad, whose brethren were bnei chayil, Elihu, and Semachyahu.

8. All these of the Bnei Oved Edom; they and their banim and their brethren, ish chayil for ko'ach for the avodah, were threescore and two of Oved Edom.

9. And Meshelemyahu had banim and brethren, bnei chayil, eighteen.