Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Alef 24:13-25 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

13. The thirteenth to Chuppah, the fourteenth to Yeshevav,

14. The fifteenth to Bilgah, the sixteenth to Immer,

15. The seventeenth to Chezir, the eighteenth to Happitztzetz,

16. The nineteenth to Petakhyah, the twentieth to Yechezkel,

17. The one and twentieth to Yachin, the two and twentieth to Gamul,

18. The three and twentieth to Delayahu, the four and twentieth to Ma'azyahu.

19. These were the pekudim (offices, assigments) of them in their avodah to come into the Bais Hashem, according to their mishpatim (regulations), under Aharon Avihem just as Hashem Elohei Yisroel had commanded him.

20. And the rest of the Bnei Levi were these: Of the Bnei Amram: Shuvael; of the Bnei Shuvael: Yechdeyahu.

21. Concerning Rechavyahu, of the Bnei Rechavyahu, the first was Yishshiyah.

22. Of the Yitzhari: Shelomot; of the Bnei Shelomot: Yachat.

23. And [the Bnei Chevron]: Yeriyahu the first, Amaryahu the second, Yakhaziel the third, Yekam'am the fourth.

24. Of the Bnei Uzziel: Michah; of the Bnei Michah: Shamir.

25. The brother of Michah was Yishshiyah; of the Bnei Yishshiyah: Zecharyah.