Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Alef 24:1-8 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Now these are the divisions of the Bnei Aharon; the Bnei Aharon; Nadav, and Avihu, Eleazar, and Itamar.

2. But Nadav and Avihu died before avihem (their father), and had no banim; therefore Eleazar and Itamar became Kohanim.

3. And Dovid with both Tzadok of the Bnei Eleazar, and Achimelech of the Bnei Itamar, divided them according to their pekudim (offices, assignments) in their avodah.

4. And there were more Rashei HaGevarim found of the Bnei Eleazar than of the Bnei Itamar, and thus were they divided. Among the Bnei Eleazar there were sixteen Rashim l'Bais Avot, and eight among the Bnei Itamar according to the Bais of their Avot.

5. Thus were they divided by goralot (lots) with one another; for the Sarei Kodesh and Sarei HaElohim, were of the Bnei Eleazar, and of the Bnei Itamar.

6. And Shema'yah ben Netanel the Sofer, one of the Levi'im, wrote them before HaMelech, and the Sarim, and Tzadok HaKohen, and Achimelech ben Evyatar (Abiathar), and before the Rashei HaAvot of the Kohanim and Levi'im, Bais Avechad being chosen for Eleazar, and one chosen for Itamar.

7. Now the first goral (lot) came forth to Yehoyariv, the second to Yedayah,

8. The third to Charim, the fourth to Seorim,