Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Alef 23:25-28 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

25. For Dovid said, Hashem Elohei Yisroel hath given rest unto His people, that they may dwell in Yerushalayim ad l'olam;

26. And also unto the Levi'im; they shall no more carry the Mishkan, nor any kelim (vessels) of it for the avodah thereof.

27. According to the last instructions of Dovid the Bnei Levi were numbered from those twenty shanah and above;

28. Because their ma'amad (position) was to wait on the Bnei Aharon for the avodas Beis Hashem, in the khatzerot, and in the rooms, and in the tahorat (cleansing) of kol kodesh, and the work of the avodas Beis HaElohim;