Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Alef 2:52-55 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

52. And Shoval avi Kiryat Yearim had banim; Haroeh, and half of Manuchot.

53. And the mishpekhot of Kiryat Yearim; the Yitri, and the Puti, and the Shumati, and the Mishra'i; of them came the Tzareati, and the Eshtauli.

54. The Bnei Salma; Beitlechem, and the Netophati, Atarot Bais Yoav, and half of the Manachati, the Tzori.

55. And the mishpekhot of the sofrim (scribes) which dwelt at Yabetz; the Tiratim, the Shimeatim, and Sukhatim. These are the Kinim that came of Chamat avi Bais Rechav.