Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Alef 17:1-5 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Now it came to pass, as Dovid sat in his bais, that Dovid said to Natan HaNavi, Hinei, I dwell in a bais ha'arazim (a palace of cedars) but the Aron Brit Hashem [dwelleth] under tent curtains.

2. Then Natan said to Dovid, Do all that is in thine levav; for HaElohim is with thee.

3. And it came to pass the same lailah, that the Devar Elohim came to Natan, saying,

4. Go and tell Dovid Avdi, Thus saith Hashem, Thou shalt not build Me HaBayit to dwell in,

5. For I have not dwelt in a Bayit since the day that I brought up Yisroel until this day, but have gone from ohel to ohel, and from one mishkan to another.