Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Alef 16:9-15 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

9. Sing unto Him, sing psalms unto Him, tell ye of all His nifle'ot (wondrous deeds).

10. Glory ye in Shem Kadesho; let the lev of them rejoice that seek Hashem.

11. Seek Hashem and His oz, seek His face tamid.

12. Remember His nifle'ot that He hath done, His mofetim, and the mishpatim of His mouth;

13. O ye zera Yisroel His eved, ye Bnei Ya'akov, His chosen ones.

14. He is Hashem Eloheinu; His mishpatim are in kol ha'aretz.

15. Be ye mindful l'olam of His Brit; the davar which He commanded to an elef dor;