Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Alef 16:17-34 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

17. And hath confirmed the same to Ya'akov for a chok (decree), and to Yisroel for a Brit Olam,

18. Saying, Unto thee will I give Eretz Kena'an, the chevel (portion), the lot of your nachalah

19. When ye were but few, even a few, and gerim in it.

20. And when they went from goy (nation) to goy, and from one mamlachah to an Am acher (another people),

21. He permitted no ish to oppress them; he reproved melachim for their sakes,

22. Saying, Touch not Mine anointed ones, and do My nevi'im no harm.

23. Sing unto Hashem, kol ha'aretz; show forth from day to day His Yeshuah (salvation).

24. Declare His kavod among the Goyim; His nifle'ot among kol haAmim.

25. For gadol is Hashem, and greatly to be praised; He also is to be feared above kol elohim.

26. For kol elohei haAmim are elilim, but Hashem made Shomayim.

27. Hod and Hadar are in His presence; oz and chedvah (joy) are in His makom (place, home, dwelling).

28. Ascribe unto Hashem, ye mishpechot Amim, ascribe unto Hashem Kavod and oz.

29. Ascribe unto Hashem the kavod due unto Shmo; bring a minchah, and come before Him; worship Hashem in the hadar (splendor) of kodesh (holiness).

30. Fear before Him, kol ha'aretz; the tevel (world) also shall be firmly established, that it be not moved.

31. Let HaShomayim have simcha, and let ha'aretz rejoice; and let them say among the Goyim, Hashem reigneth.

32. Let the yam roar, and the fulness thereof; let the sadeh rejoice, and all that is therein.

33. Then shall the trees of the ya'ar (forest, woods) sing out before Hashem, because He cometh to judge ha'aretz.

34. O give thanks unto Hashem, for He is tov; for His chesed endureth l'olam.