Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Alef 15:21-29 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

21. And Mattityahu, and Eliph'lehu, and Mikneyahu, and Oved Edom, and Ye'i'el, and Azazyahu, with kinnorot (harps) al-HaSheminit to direct.

22. And Kenanyahu, sar HaLevi'im, was for singing; he directed the song, because of his understanding.

23. And Berechyah and Elkanah were shoarim (doorkeepers) for the Aron.

24. And Shevanyahu, and Yehoshaphat, and Netanel, and Amasai, and Zecharyah, and Benayahu, and Eliezer, the Kohanim, did blow the trumpets before the Aron HaElohim; and Oved Edom and Yechiyah were shoarim (doorkeepers) for the Aron.

25. So Dovid, and the Ziknei Yisroel, and the sarim over alafim, went to bring up Aron Brit Hashem out of the Bais Oved Edom with simchah.

26. And it came to pass, when HaElohim helped the Levi'im that bore the Aron Brit Hashem, that they offered in sacrifice shivah bulls and shivah rams.

27. And Dovid was clothed with a me'il butz (fine linen robe), and all the Levi'im that bore the Aron, and the meshorerim (singers); and Kenanyah the master of the song with the meshorerim; Dovid also had upon him a linen ephod [see Psalm 110:4].

28. Thus kol Yisroel brought up the Aron Brit Hashem with shouting, and with sound of the shofar, and with trumpets, and with cymbals, sounding nevalim (lyres) and kinnorot (harps).

29. And it came to pass, as the Aron Brit Hashem came to Ir Dovid, that Michal Bat Sha'ul, looking out at the chalon, saw Dovid HaMelech dancing and whirling. And she despised him in her lev.