Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Alef 11:35-45 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

35. Achiam Ben Sachar the Harari, Eliphal Ben Ur,

36. Chepher the Mecherati, Achiyah the Peloni,

37. Chetzro the Carmeli, Na'arai Ben Ezbai,

38. Yoel the brother of Natan, Mivchar Ben Hagri,

39. Tzelek the Ammoni, Naharai the Beroti, the armorbearer of Yoav ben Tzeruyah,

40. Ira the Yitri, Garev the Yitri,

41. Uriyah the Chitti, Zavad Ben Achlai,

42. Adina Ben Shiza the Reuveni, a rosh of the Reubeni, and shloshim with him,

43. Chanan Ben Ma'achah, and Yoshaphat the Mitni,

44. Uzzia the Ashterati, Shama and [T.N. Dovid knew he did not come to be served but to serve cf 1Chr 11:19; Mk 10:45] Ye'iel the Bnei Chotam the Aroeri,

45. Yedia'el Ben Shimri, and Yocha his brother, the Titzi,