Orthodox Jewish Bible

Divrey Hayamim Alef 10:10-14 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

10. And they put his keli in the Bais eloheihem, and fastened his head in the Bais Dagon.

11. And when kol Yavesh Gilead heard all that the Pelishtim had done to Sha'ul,

12. They arose, kol ish chayil, and took the gufat Sha'ul (body of Sha'ul), and the gufot of his banim, and brought them to Yavesh, and buried their atzmot under the elah (oak tree) in Yavesh, and underwent a tzom shivat yamim.

13. So Sha'ul died for his ma'al (unfaithfulness) which he committed against Hashem, even against the Devar Hashem, over which he was not shomer, and also for consulting an ov (one with a familiar spirit) to seek guidance;

14. And inquired not of Hashem; therefore He slaughtered him, and turned over the kingdom unto Dovid Ben Yishai.