Orthodox Jewish Bible

Devarim 29:1-11 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. These are the devarei HaBrit, which Hashem commanded Moshe to cut with the Bnei Yisroel in Eretz Moav, besides the Brit which He cut with them in Chorev.

2. (1) And Moshe called unto kol Yisroel, and said unto them, Ye have seen all that Hashem did before your eyes in Eretz Mitzrayim unto Pharaoh, and unto all his avadim, and unto all his land;

3. (2) The massot hagedolot (great trials) which thine eyes have seen, the otot, and those mofetim hagedolim;

4. (3) V'lo natan Hashem lakhem lev lada'at v'einayim lirot v'ozna'im lishmoa ad hayom hazeh (Yet Hashem hath not given you a lev for da'as, and eyes to see, and ears to hear, to this day.)

5. (4) And I have led you arba'im shanim in the midbar; your clothes are not worn out upon you, and thy sandal is not worn out upon thy foot.

6. (5) Ye have not eaten lechem, neither have ye drunk yayin or shekhar; that ye might have da'as that Ani Hashem Eloheicha.

7. (6) And when ye came unto this place, Sichon Melech Cheshbon, and Og Melech HaBashan, came out against us unto milchamah, and we defeated them:

8. (7) And we took their land, and gave it for a nachalah unto the Reuveni, and to the Gadi, and to the half tribe of Menasheh.

9. (8) Therefore be shomer over the divrei HaBrit hazot, and do them, lema'an (in order that) ye may prosper in all that ye do.

10. (9) Ye stand today all of you before Hashem Eloheichem; your rashei shvatim (heads of tribes), your zekenim, and your shoterim, with kol Ish Yisroel,

11. (10) Your little ones, your nashim, and the ger that is in thy machaneh, from the hewer of thy wood unto the drawer of thy mayim;