Orthodox Jewish Bible

Devarim 12:1-6 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. These are the chukkim and mishpatim over which ye shall be shomer to do in ha'aretz, which Hashem Elohei Avoteicha giveth thee to possess it, kol hayamim that ye live upon ha'adamah.

2. Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, wherein the Goyim which ye shall possess served their elohim, upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and under every green tree;

3. And ye shall overthrow their mizbechot, and break their matzeivot, and burn their Asherim with eish; and ye shall hew down peselim of their elohim, and destroy the names of them out of that place.

4. Ye shall not do so unto Hashem Eloheichem.

5. But unto the place which Hashem Eloheichem shall choose out of all your shevatim to put Shmo there, even unto His habitation shall ye seek, and thither thou shalt come:

6. And thither ye shall bring your olot, and your zevakhim, and your ma'aseros (tithes), and terumot (heave offerings) of your hand, and your nedarim (vows), and your nedavot (freewill offerings), and the bekhorot (firstlings) of your herds and of your flocks;