Orthodox Jewish Bible

Daniel 9:4-18 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

4. And I davened unto Hashem Elohai, and I made vidduy (confession of sin), and said, O Adonoi, HaEl HaGadol V'HaNorah (the great and dreadful G-d), Shomer HaBrit V'HaChesed (Who keepeth covenant and lovingkindness) to them that love Him, and to them that are shomrei mitzvot;

5. We have sinned, and we have committed iniquity, and we have done wickedly, and we have rebelled, even by departing from Thy mitzvot and from Thy mishpatim;

6. Neither have we heeded or listened unto Thy avadim the nevi'im, which spoke in Thy Name unto our Melachim, our Sarim (princes), and our Avot, and to kol Am HaAretz.

7. To Thee, Adonoi, is the tzedakah, but unto us is boshet hapanim (shame of face), as at yom hazeh; to the men of Yehudah, and to the yoshvei Yerushalayim, and unto kol Yisroel, that are near, and that are far off, through all the countries whither Thou hast driven them, because of their ma'al (betrayal, treachery) wherein they have dealt unfaithfully against Thee.

8. O Hashem, to us belongeth boshet hapanim, to our Melachim, to our Sarim (princes), and to our Avot, because we have sinned against Thee.

9. To Adonoi Eloheinu belong the rachamim and the selichot (forgiveness), for we have rebelled against Him;

10. Neither have we obeyed the voice of Hashem Eloheinu, to walk in His torot, which He has set before us by the hand of His avadim the Nevi'im.

11. Yea, kol Yisroel has transgressed Thy Torah, even by departing, refusing to obey Thy kol (voice); therefore ha'alah (the curse [Devarim 29:18]) is poured upon us, and hashevuah (the oath) that is written in the Torat Moshe the Eved HaElohim, because we have sinned against Him. [Vayikra 26:14f; Devarim 28:15f]

12. And He hath confirmed His words, which He spoke concerning us, and concerning our shofetim who judged us, that He would bring upon us a ra'ah gedolah, so that there has not been done under kol HaShomayim what has been done to Yerushalayim.

13. Even as it is written in the Torat Moshe, all hara'ah hazot (this evil) is come upon us, yet we have not mollified the face of Hashem Eloheinu, by turning away from avoneinu (our iniquities), and by having seichel (discernment) in Thy Emes.

14. Therefore hath Hashem watched upon the rah, and brought it upon us; for Hashem Eloheinu is tzaddik in all His ma'asim which He doeth, for we obeyed not His kol (voice).

15. And now, Adonoi Eloheinu, Who hast brought Thy people forth out of Eretz Mitzrayim with a yad chazakah (mighty hand), and hast gotten Thee renown, as at yom hazeh, we have sinned, we have done wickedly.

16. O Adonoi, according to all Thy tzidkot, I beseech Thee, let Thine anger and Thy fury be turned away from Thy Ir (City) Yerushalayim, Thy Har Kodesh, because for chatta'einu, and for the avonot Avoteinu, Yerushalayim and Thy people are become a reproach, an object of scorn to all around about us.

17. Now therefore, shema, Eloheinu, hear the tefillah of Thy eved, and his tachanunim (supplications), and cause Thy face to shine upon Thy Mikdash [Beis HaMikdash] that is desolate, lema'an (for the sake of) Adonoi.

18. O Elohai, incline Thine ear, and shema; open Thine eyes, and behold our desolations, and HaIr which is called by Thy Name; for we do not present tachanuneinu (our supplications) before Thee on account of tzidkoteinu, but for the sake of Thy rachamim harabbim.