Orthodox Jewish Bible

Chaggai 2:17-23 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

17. I struck you with blight and with mildew and with hail in all the labors of your hands; yet ye made not teshuvah to Me, saith Hashem.

18. Consider now from this yom and onward, from the four and twentieth yom of the ninth month, even from the yom that the Yesod (Foundation) of the Heikhal Hashem was laid, consider it.

19. Is the seed still in the granary? As yet the gefen, and the [etz] te'enah, and the pomegranate, and etz hazayit (olive tree), hath not brought forth. From this yom forth will I bless you.

20. And again the Devar Hashem came unto Chaggai in the four and twentieth yom of the month, saying,

21. Speak to Zerubavel, Governor of Yehudah, saying, I will shake HaShomayim and Ha'Aretz;

22. And I will overthrow the throne of mamlachot (kingdoms), and I will destroy the chozek (strength) of the mamlachot HaGoyim; and I will overthrow the merkavot, and those that ride in them; and the susim and their riders shall fall, every one by the cherev (sword) of achiv.

23. In that yom, saith Hashem Tzva'os, will I take thee, O Zerubavel ben Sh'altiel, Avdi (My Servant; T.N. see Yeshayah 52:13 for this Avdi-- My Servant-- as a reference which is ultimately related to Moshiach), saith Hashem, and will make thee as a chotam (signet ring); for I have chosen thee, saith Hashem Tzva'os.