Orthodox Jewish Bible

Bereshis 4:1-4 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. And HaAdam knew Chavah (Eve) his isha; and she conceived, and bore Kayin (Cain), and said, Kaniti (I have acquired) ish with Hashem.

2. And again she bore his ach Hevel (Abel). And Hevel was a ro'eh tzon, but Kayin was an oved adamah (tiller of soil).

3. And in ketz yamim it came to pass, that Kayin brought of the p'ri haadamah a minchah unto Hashem.

4. And Hevel, he also brought of the bechorot of his tzon and of the chelev thereof. And Hashem regarded [with favor, respect] unto Hevel and to his minchah: