Orthodox Jewish Bible

Bereshis 30:18-28 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

18. And Leah said, Elohim hath given me my hire, because I have given my shifchah to my ish; and she called shmo Yissakhar.

19. And Leah conceived again, and bore Ya'akov ben shishi.

20. And Leah said, Elohim hath endued me with a zeved tov (good endowment); now will my ish zabal (honor) me, because I have born him shisha banim; and she called shmo Zevulun.

21. And afterwards she bore a bat, and called her shem Dinah.

22. And Elohim remembered Rachel, and Elohim paid heed to her, and opened her rekhem (womb).

23. And she conceived, and bore ben; and said, Elohim hath taken away my cherpah (shame, disgrace, reproach);

24. And she called shmo Yosef; and said, yosef (may He add), may Hashem add me ben acher (another son).

25. And it came to pass, when Rachel had born Yosef, that Ya'akov said unto Lavan, Send me away, that I may go unto mine own makom (place, home) and to my eretz.

26. Give me my nashim and my yeladim, for whom I have served thee, and let me go: for thou knowest my avodah which I have done thee.

27. And Lavan said unto him, Now, if I have found chen (favor, grace) in thine eyes, tarry; for I have learned by nachash (divination) that Hashem hath made a berakhah upon me for thy sake.

28. And he said, Specify thy sachar (wages, reward), and I will pay it.