Orthodox Jewish Bible

Bereshis 3:16-24 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

16. Unto HaIsha He said, I will greatly multiply thy itzavon ([labor] pain) and thy childbearing; in pain thou shalt bring forth banim; and thy teshukah (longing, desire) shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

17. And unto Adam He said, Because thou paid heed unto the voice of thy isha, and hast eaten of HaEtz, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it, arurah (cursed) is haadamah because of thee; in itzavon (pain, suffering, see verse 16) shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

18. Kotz also and dardar shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the esev of the sadeh;

19. In the sweat of thy brow shalt thou eat lechem, till thou return unto haadamah; for out of it wast thou taken; for aphar thou art, and unto aphar shalt thou return.

20. And HaAdam called the shem of his isha Chavah (Eve); because she was the Em kol chai.

21. Unto Adam also and to his isha did Hashem Elohim make kesonos ohr, and clothed them.

22. And Hashem Elohim said, See, HaAdam is become like one of Us, knowing tov v'rah; and now, lest he put forth his yad, and take also of HaEtz HaChayyim, and eat, and chai l'olam (live forever);

23. Therefore Hashem Elohim sent him forth from the Gan Eden, to work haadamah from which place he was taken.

24. So He drove out HaAdam; and He placed miKedem (at the east) of the Gan Eden HaKeruvim, and a flaming cherev which was ever-turning, to be shomer over the Derech Etz HaChayyim (the Way of the Tree of Life, see Yn 14:6 on Derech).