Orthodox Jewish Bible

Bereshis 28:1-4 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. And Yitzchak called for Ya'akov, and blessed him, and charged him, and said unto him, Thou shalt not take an isha of the Banot Kena'an.

2. Arise, go to Paddanah- Aram, to the bais Betuel avi immecha; and take thee an isha from there of the banot Lavan achi immecha.

3. And El Shaddai bless thee, and make thee fruitful, and multiply thee, that thou mayest be a kahal amim;

4. And give thee the birkat Avraham, to thee, and to thy zera with thee; that thou mayest inherit the eretz wherein thou art a ger, which Elohim gave unto Avraham.