Orthodox Jewish Bible

Bereshis 24:23-29 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

23. And said, Whose bat art thou? Tell me, now: is there makom in the bais of thy av for us to spend the night?

24. And she said unto him, I am Bat Beituel Ben Milcah, the ben which she bore unto Nachor.

25. She said moreover unto him, We have both teven (straw) and mispo (fodder) enough, and makom (room) to spend the night.

26. And the ish bowed his head, worshiped Hashem.

27. And he said, Baruch Hashem Elohei adoni Avraham, who hath not left destitute of His chesed and His emes; I being on the derech, Hashem led me to the bais achei adoni.

28. And the na'arah ran, and told them of her bais em these things.

29. And Rivkah had an ach, shmo Lavan; Lavan ran out unto the ish, unto the ayin.