Orthodox Jewish Bible

Bamidbar 4:1-5 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. And Hashem spoke unto Moshe and unto Aharon, saying,

2. Take the census of the Bnei Kehat from among the Bnei Levi, after their mishpekhot, by the bais of their avot,

3. From shloshim shanah (thirty years old) and upward even until chamishim shanah (fifty years old), all that enter into the tz'va (holy militia of Hashem) to do the melachah (work) in the Ohel Mo'ed.

4. This shall be the Avodat Bnei Kehat in the Ohel Mo'ed: kodesh hakodashim (the most holy things);

5. And when the machaneh (camp) setteth forward, Aharon shall come, and his banim, and they shall take down the Parochet (veil) of the screen, and cover the Aron HaEdut (Ark of the Testimony) with it;