Orthodox Jewish Bible

Bamidbar 34:19-28 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

19. And the shmot of the anashim are these: Of the tribe of Yehudah, Kalev Ben Yephunneh;

20. And of the tribe of the Bnei Shim'on, Shemuel Ben Ammihud;

21. Of the tribe of Binyamin, Elidad Ben Kislon;

22. And the nasi of the tribe of the Bnei Dan, Bukki Ben Yogli;

23. The nasi of the Bnei Yosef, for the tribe of the Bnei Menasheh, Channi'el Ben Ephod;

24. And the nasi of the tribe of the Bnei Ephrayim, Kemuel Ben Shiphtan;

25. And the nasi of the tribe of the Bnei Zevulun, Elitzaphan Ben Parnach;

26. And the nasi of the tribe of the Bnei Yissakhar, Paltiel Ben Azzan;

27. And the nasi of the tribe of the Bnei Asher, Achihud Ben Shelomi;

28. And the nasi of the tribe of the Bnei Naphtali, Pedahel Ben Ammihud;