Orthodox Jewish Bible

Bamidbar 31:19-37 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

19. And do ye abide outside the machaneh shivat yamim; whosoever hath killed nefesh, and whosoever hath touched any chalal, purify both yourselves and your captives on Yom HaShelishi and on Yom HaShevi'i.

20. And purify all your beged, and all keli ohr (all that is made of leather), ma'aseh izzim (all that is made of goat hair) and keli etz (all that is make of wood).

21. And Eleazar HaKohen said unto the anshei hatzavah which went into milchamah, This is the chukkat hatorah which Hashem commanded Moshe:

22. Only the zahav, and the kesef, the nechoshet, the barzel, the bedil, and the oferet,

23. Everything that can withstand eish, ye shall make it go through the eish, and it shall be tahor; nevertheless it shall be purified with the mayim of niddah; and all that can not withstand the eish ye shall make go through the mayim.

24. And ye shall wash your begadim on Yom HaShevi'i, and ye shall be tahor, and afterward ye shall come into the machaneh.

25. And Hashem spoke unto Moshe, saying,

26. Take inventory of the spoil that was taken, both of adam and of behemah, thou, and Eleazar HaKohen, and the Rashei Avot HaEdah:

27. And divide the spoil into two parts: between them that took the milchamah upon them, who went out to battle, and kol HaEdah;

28. And levy a mekhes (tribute) unto Hashem of the anshei hamilchamah which went out to battle: one nefesh from five hundred, both of adam, and of bakar, and of chamorim, and of tzon;

29. Take it of their half, and give it unto Eleazar HaKohen, for a terumat Hashem.

30. And of the Bnei Yisroel's half, thou shalt take one portion of fifty, of adam, of bakar, of chamorim, and of tzon, of all behemah, and give them unto the Levi'im, who are shomrei mishmeret Mishkan Hashem (who are guardians of the Mishkan Hashem).

31. And Moshe and Eleazar HaKohen did just as Hashem commanded Moshe.

32. And the spoil, being the rest of the plunder which the am hatzava (personnel of the army) had taken, was 675,000 tzon,

33. And 72,000 bakar,

34. And 61,000 chamorim,

35. And 32,000 nefesh adam from the nashim who had no da'as of zachar by lying with him.

36. And the half, which was the chelek of them that went out to war, was in number 337,500 tzon;

37. And the mekhes (tribute) for Hashem of the tzon was 675.