Orthodox Jewish Bible

Bamidbar 27:11-18 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

11. And if his av have no achim, then ye shall give his nachalah unto his closest relative of his Mishpakhat, and he shall possess it; and it shall be unto the Bnei Yisroel a chukkat mishpat, as Hashem commanded Moshe.

12. And Hashem said unto Moshe, Get thee up on this har haAvarim, and see HaAretz which I have given unto the Bnei Yisroel.

13. And when thou hast seen it, thou also shalt be gathered unto thy people, as Aharon achicha was gathered.

14. For ye rebelled against My command in the Midbar Tzin, in the merivat HaEdah (strife of the Assembly) to honor Me as Kodesh before their eyes at the mayim: that is, the mayim of Merivah in Kadesh in the Midbar Tzin.

15. And Moshe spoke unto Hashem, saying,

16. Let Hashem Elohei HaRuchot L'khol Basar appoint an Ish over HaEdah,

17. Which will go out before them, and which will come in before them, and which will lead them out, and which will bring them in; that the Adat Hashem be not like tzon which have no ro'eh.

18. And Hashem said unto Moshe, Take thee Yehoshua Ben Nun, an ish in whom is the Ruach [HaKodesh], and lay thine yad [for s'michah] upon him [Zech 6:11-12];